Christians should be the most humble people on earth
We should be so because we have come to know something of God’s infinite greatness and our own unworthiness before him. Here are some reasons why we should humble ourselves before God and some suggestions on how to do it.
Why We Should Humble Ourselves
- Because Christ was humble and we should imitate him.
- So God can exalt us as He sees fit. “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.” (James 4:10)
- Because “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). We shouldn’t need any more reasons than this. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want God resisting me and I need all the grace I can get.
- Because there is safety in humility. Pride comes before a fall – the humble are less likely to fall, and if they do they don’t have as far to fall.
How To Humble Ourselves
- Contemplate the infinite greatness of God.
- Consider your innumerable sins against God and the unbelievable mercy that He has poured out on you.
- Contemplate your human frailty. Your every breath and heartbeat, your eyes, ears, strength, and mental health are all from God. He could remove them at any time.
- Contemplate your complete inability to control anything in this life.
- Realize that every good thing, talent and gift you have is a gift from God which He could remove at any time.
- Contemplate that if God did not keep you from sin you’d plunge headlong into it.
- Confess your sins and temptations to God and others.
- Ask forgiveness of those you sin against, even if they sinned against you first. Even if they don’t ask your forgiveness in return.
- Be quick to listen and slow to share your own opinions.
- Don’t be so sure you’re right all the time.
- Consider that there are multitudes far more gifted and godly than you
- Cultivate thankfulness.
- Contemplate your many areas of weakness
- Realize you’re dispensable. If you died today, things would go on just fine without you.
- Realize that the things that bother you about others may be things you do as well.
- Invite constructive criticism.
- Serve others. Wash others’ feet. Take on lowly jobs in your church.
- Take interest in others. Consider others more important than yourself.
- Pray. Prayer is an act of dependence and humility.
- Ask for help, wisdom and prayer from others.
- When others compliment you, thank them, then give ALL the glory to God.